
Tips for photographing and editing a sunrise or sunset

Now I will detail some keys that serve me to make a good sunset with my mobile:

  1. The main thing is to know what time the sun rises or sets. There are some programs that tell you but if you do not have them at hand, the quickest solution is to put in the google browser, for example, “Tarragona sunset hour” and it will show you when the sun goes down.
  2. If we are in a place we know, maybe we already know where the sun rises or goes, but if not, there are websites where we can consult it, showing us on a map the trajectory of the sun for that day. The most used is photoephemeris.comwhich also has app for mobile devices. This way we can know if a mountain will bother us or any other obstacle. 
  3. I recommend arriving at least half an hour before sunrise, because this way we will see if there are clouds, which in different phases before departure, will change color. It is when we will take out the most interesting tones (as long as the horizon line is not too tight) with the assurance that the photos will not burn out.
  4. Upside-down happens with the sunsets, do not go home once you hide, because that’s when you can start the show, which can last perfectly long 30 minutes.
  5. If you are one of those who like to see the sun in your images. You will find the problem that you have left the photo burned (overexposed) there are different ways to mitigate this effect. Before shooting with your mobile, touch the screen on the sun with your finger, this way the white balance is adjusted to that light exposure (not all mobile phones have tactile white balance), then we will always be in time to win a Little light in the dark parts with some app with Snapseed. If you touch without letting go, you will block that exposure of light for all the images you make later.
  6. Other resources to interact with the landscape could be placing objects or people against the light. Playing with water or reflections, the possibilities are endless. The most important thing to enjoy the moment and have fun: -)
  7. Finally the Sunsets, if they are beautiful do not have to put any filter, try to gain light as I said before, in dark areas, avoid contrasts and color saturations, which can draw a lot of attention at first glance, but then you give note that you have lost in details. If you have left the clouds around the sun yellow canary you can desaturate a bit the area with the tool of “selective adjust” of Snapseed and it will be more natural. 

There are many people who reject the Sunsets and detract from any image regarding the subject, they consider it an easy resource, I believe that the easy recourse is to despise others.

I hope you liked this first tutorial: -)


• Instagram > @juanjofuster
Nature & Photo Blogger from Catalonia

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